《The Absolute Guide to Dashboarding & Reporting with Power BI》一书是由Kasper de Jonge撰写的,今年3月已出版。有兴趣的读者可在Amazon上买到英文版本。提到Kasper de Jonge大家一定不会陌生,他的《Dashboarding and Reporting with Power Pivot and Excel: How to Design and Create a Financial Dashboard with PowerPivot – End to End》一书你一定还会记得。《Dashboarding and Reporting with Power Pivot and Excel: How to Design and Create a Financial Dashboard with PowerPivot – End to End》一书对应的中文译本由经济科学出版社出版,中文名为:《用Power Pivot和Excel创建仪表板和财务分析报告》,在网上可以买到。其实,Kasper de Jonge的这两本书基本架构完全相同,均针对财务数据建模分析。差别在于前者基于Excel而后者基于Power BI来实现数据分析的可视化呈现。附上作者对新书的介绍。